8 research outputs found

    A Map-matching Algorithm to Improve Vehicle Tracking Systems Accuracy

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    The satellite-based vehicle tracking systems accuracy can be improved by augmenting the positional information using road network data, in a process known as map-niatcliing. Map-matching algorithms attempt to estimate vehicle route and location in it particular road map (or any restricting track such as rails, etc), in spite of the digital map errors and GPS inaccuracies. Point-to-curve map-matching is not fully suitable to the problems since it ignores any historical data and often gives inaccurate, unstable, jumping results. The better curve-to-curve matching approach consider the road connectivity and measure the curve similarity between the track and the possible road path (hypotheses), but mostly does not have any way to manage multiple route hypotheses which have varying degree of similarity over time. The thesis presents a new distance metric for curve-to-curve mapmatching technique, integrated with a framework algorithm which is able to maintain many possible route hypotheses and pick the most likely hypothesis at a time, enabling future corrections if necessary, therefore providing intelligent guesses with considerable accuracy. A simulator is developed as a test bed for the proposed algorithm for various scenarios, including the field experiment using Garmin e-Trex GPS Receiver. The results showed that the proposed algoritlimi is able to improve the neap-matching accuracy as compared to the point-to-curve algorithm. Keywords: map-matching, vehicle tracking systems, Multiple Hypotheses Technique, Global Positioning System

    A Map-matching Algorithm to Improve Vehicle Tracking Systems Accuracy

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    The satellite-based vehicle tracking systems accuracy can be improved by augmenting the positional information using road network data, in a process known as map-niatcliing. Map-matching algorithms attempt to estimate vehicle route and location in it particular road map (or any restricting track such as rails, etc), in spite of the digital map errors and GPS inaccuracies. Point-to-curve map-matching is not fully suitable to the problems since it ignores any historical data and often gives inaccurate, unstable, jumping results. The better curve-to-curve matching approach consider the road connectivity and measure the curve similarity between the track and the possible road path (hypotheses), but mostly does not have any way to manage multiple route hypotheses which have varying degree of similarity over time. The thesis presents a new distance metric for curve-to-curve mapmatching technique, integrated with a framework algorithm which is able to maintain many possible route hypotheses and pick the most likely hypothesis at a time, enabling future corrections if necessary, therefore providing intelligent guesses with considerable accuracy. A simulator is developed as a test bed for the proposed algorithm for various scenarios, including the field experiment using Garmin e-Trex GPS Receiver. The results showed that the proposed algoritlimi is able to improve the neap-matching accuracy as compared to the point-to-curve algorithm. Keywords: map-matching, vehicle tracking systems, Multiple Hypotheses Technique, Global Positioning System


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    Bahaya (Hazards) adalah fenomena fisik atau aktivitas manusia yang berpotensi merusak, yang dapat menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa atau cidera,kerusakan harta benda, gangguan sosial dan ekonomi atau kerusakan lingkungan (ISDR, 2004), atau kejadian potensial yang merupakan ancaman terhadap kesehatan, keamanan, kesejahteraan masyarakat, fungsi ekonomi, masyarakat atau kesatuan organisasi pemerintah yang lebih luas yang berdampak langsung terhadap aset yang ada di masyarakat. Bahaya merupakan suatu even kejadian ancaman yang dapat berdampak pada kehidupan manusia, aset-aset penghidupan dan lingkungannya, bahaya selalu berhubungan dengan risiko bencana. Malang Raya (Kota Malang, Kabupaten Malang, Kota Batu) sebagai bagian dari Provinsi Jawa Timur yang memiliki iklim tropis yaitu musim penghujan dan musim kemarau, Kerawan dan bahaya yang berhubungan dengan iklim tropis adalah banjir dan kekeringan. Proses penelitian ini melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu: Studi Literatur, Pengumpulan Data Pemrosesan Data, Analisa Data. Parameter yang digunakan yaitu berupa Peta Tata Guna Lahan, Peta Rata-rata Curah Hujan, Peta Jenis Tanah, Peta Ketinggian Tanah, Peta NDVI. Pemrosesan data menggunakan proses Overlay Union. Hasil akhir menghasilkan Peta Multi Bencana dengan tiga kriteria: Sedang, Rendah, Tinggi (Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 Tentang pedoman umum pengkajian resiko bencana). Dengan hasil identifikasi Di Kota Malang dengan Kriteria Rendah 43,834 Ha, Kriteria Sedang 10.980,408 Ha, Kriteria Tinggi 0 Ha. Untuk di Kota Batu Kriteria Rendah 1.202,451 Ha, Kriteria Sedang 57.593,228 Ha, Kriteria Tinggi 0 Ha. Untuk di Kabupaten Malang Kriteria Rendah 8.027,433 Ha, Kriteria Sedang 337.689,408 Ha, Kriteria Tinggi 14,875 Ha. Dengan demikian Kota Malang, Kota Batu dan Kabupaten Malang berada dalam Kriteria Hazards Sedang. Kata Kunci : Multi Bencana , Banjir, Kekeringan, SIG, Malang Raya

    Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance dan Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    Harga saham yang tinggi menggambarkan tingginya nilai perusahaan. Semakin tinggi nilai perusahaan maka semakin tinggi pula kemakmuran pemegang saham. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Good Corporate Governance dan pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap nilai perusahaan. Variabel Good Corporate Governance yang di proksikan melalui kepemilikan manajerial dan komite audit yang diukur melalu Price Book Value (PBV) pada perusahaan pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2016 - 2020. Jumlah populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 47 perusahaan dengan 14 perusahaan yang menjadi sampel penelitian, sehingga seluruh observasi berjumlah 70. Data yang diambil adalah data sekunder yang terdaftar di situs resmi Bursa Efek Indonesia. Dalam pengambilan data ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah melalui analisis regresi linear berganda. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan SPSS 25.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Kepemilikan Manajerial berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan dan Komite Audit berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan, sedangkan corporate social responsibility tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaa

    Event Geoparser with Pseudo-Location Entity Identification and Numerical Argument Extraction Implementation and Evaluation in Indonesian News Domain

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    Geoparser is a fundamental component of a Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) geoparser, which performs toponym recognition, disambiguation, and geographic coordinate resolution from unstructured text domain. However, geoparsing of news articles which report several events across many place-mentions in the document are not yet adequately handled by regular geoparser, where the scope of resolution is either toponym-level or document-level. The capacity to detect multiple events and geolocate their true coordinates along with their numerical arguments is still missing from modern geoparsers, much less in Indonesian news corpora domain. We propose an event geoparser model with three stages of processing, which tightly integrates event extraction model into geoparsing and provides precise event-level resolution scope. The model casts the geotagging and event extraction as sequence labeling and uses LSTM-CRF inferencer equipped with features derived using Aggregated Topic Model from a large corpus to increase the generalizability. Throughout the proposed workflow and features, the geoparser is able to significantly improve the identification of pseudo-location entities, resulting in a 23.43% increase for weighted F1 score compared to baseline gazetteer and POS Tag features. As a side effect of event extraction, various numerical arguments are also extracted, and the output is easily projected to a rich choropleth map from a single news document

    Pengaruh Penyalahgunaan Teknologi Informasi, Integritas Mahasiswa dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Perilaku Kecurangan Akademik Mahasiswa Akuntansi

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    The purpose ofithis study wasito testithe empirical andithe effect ofiInformation Technology misapproproate, Integrity, and Learn Motivation Against Fraudulent Behavior Accounting Student Academic (Study oniaccounting study program economic and business faculty national university academic year 2021 - 2022). The object in this study was the Accounting Students at the National University of 2018 – 2020, the sample in this study was 125 respondents. The data obtained are primary data from the results of the questionnare. The data testing method used is descriptive statistical test, data quality tes, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing using SPSS version 26.0. The results ofithis study indicateithat information technologyihas a positiv ieffect on violation behavior, integrity has a positive effec ion academic violationibehavior and learningimotivation has ainegative effect oniacademic behavior.  &nbsp